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Suihua graphic design training which is good

Release time: 2022-12-29 02:08:58
Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Some names such as: Graphic design (graphisdesign) visual communication design, decoration design, architectural decoration design...,This may have a lot to do with the characteristics of graphic design,Because design is everywhere, graphic design is everywhere,From a range of printing is related to graphic design,In terms of function, "the act of adjusting vision to a certain extent through the human body.",Call it visual communication,Use visual language to convey information and express ideas,On the other hand, decoration design or decoration art design is recognized as a highly inaccurate name,one-sidedness。In understanding the scope and connotation of graphic design, let's look at the classification of graphic design, such as image system design, font design, book binding design, line catalog design, packaging design, poster/poster design...It can be said that there are as many designs as there are needs。

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Graphic design is the art of communication, stylization, and problem solving through words and images。Because of the overlap of knowledge and skills, graphic design is often mistaken for visual communication or communication design。Graphic design uses many different methods to create and combine words, symbols and images to produce visual ideas and information。Graphic designers may use typography and layout techniques to achieve the desired effect of product design。The term "graphic design "comes from the English "graphic". Before the formation of modern graphic design, this term generally refers to various forms of graphic art formed by printing。So, at that time, the word was used in conjunction with the word "art," and collectively it was called "Graphic design."。

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Printing type/Printing equipment type/common sense/paper opening/four-color printing/spot color printing/dot line number/Angle/paper weight/bleeding/overprinting/plate operation methods and precautions: post-press process: hot stamping/film coating/UV/ glue/film cutting knowledge。Printing process: Design sample /CMYK draft/proofreading/film/printing。This paper introduces the inkjet technology knowledge, the production process of inkjet photo, the main factors of the quality of computer inkjet and the factors that affect the output efficiency of inkjet in practice。Logo design: the classification of the logo, the function of the logo, the category and characteristics, the design concept of the logo, the expression technique, the combination form, the basic principles of the logo design, the difference between the trademark and the logo。

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

The theoretical study and practice of hue, brightness, saturation and tone in color composition are indispensable rational color knowledge。The artistic pioneers in the field of painting tried to match color feeling, which gave designers the experience of using color to express feelings。Each color combination forms a specific "tone.",Each tone will give people a different emotion for example: in many color books,Have an introduction,9 to 16 notes,23 great senses,126 little sensations and so on,Each sense gives examples of color combinations,Each tone (color sense) here is composed of colors of different brightness, hue, and saturation in proportion to the area。

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

The contact between graphic art and readers is limited to a limited space, which requires the layout to be simple and concise。The past kind of cramming, complex layout form, has long been forgotten by people。In fact, it emphasizes simplicity and conciseness, not monotonous and simple, but concentrated processing of information, refined performance of content, based on novel and unique artistic ideas。Therefore, the single purification of the layout includes the planning and refining of the content of the appeal, and also includes the layout composition skills。Layout structure is the bridge of information dissemination, and the form it pursues must be consistent with the ideological content of the theme, which is the basis of layout structure。Just talk about the expression and ignore the content, or only seek the content, the lack of artistic expression, typesetting is not successful。

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Suihua graphic design training which is good

Now graphic designers dubbed full-stack designers, need to master the skills in addition to the conventional Photoshop, CDR, AI, but also need a variety of auxiliary software, such as PR, AE, C4D。Mastering software skills requires a rich theoretical foundation, such as layout design principles, three major components, graphic creativity and other knowledge。Graphic designer is one who needs to update their skills in real time,A career that needs to keep up with The Times,Because the aesthetic is changing with the development of The Times,Every generation has a different idea of beauty,If you want to keep up with The Times, you must keep up with The Times,Timely update their own technology and improve their own aesthetic,This is a position that requires lifelong learning。