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Jiamusi numerical control training school

Release time: 2023-03-03 02:07:34
Jiamusi numerical control training school

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Commercial design and artistic design obviously exist。Design is a purposeful planning, and graphic design is one of the forms that these plans will take. In graphic design, you need to use visual elements to spread your ideas and plans, and use words and graphics to convey information to the audience, so that people can understand your ideas and plans through these visual elements, which is the definition of our design。The bottom line for the survival of a visual work should be whether it has the energy to move others and whether it successfully conveys the information behind it. In fact, she is more like interpersonal relations, relying on charm to conquer the object。

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Jiamusi numerical control training school

To train graphic design professionals as the goal。Through the systematic study of the major,Students can master the relevant design principles, Photoshop software, CorelDRAW vector software, Illustrator vector software graphic drawing technology in a short period of time;And graphic design material knowledge, operation process, module training, simulation and customer communication and other practical courses。Theory of graphic design: 1. Principle of graphic design;2.The qualities of graphic designers;3.Print advertising creativity;4.The way of thinking of print advertising creativity 5.The expression of print advertising creativity 6.Different styles of learning 7.Attributes and characteristics of graphic design in different industries 8.Modular training theory

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Graphic design in addition to the visual to give people a beautiful enjoyment,It is more important to convey a message to a wide range of consumers,An idea,So in graphic design,Not only focus on the surface visual beauty,Think about the message,Graphic design is mainly composed of the following basic elements: creativity: is an element of graphic design,No good ideas,There is no good work,Three conditions of audience, media and cultural background should be considered in creativity。Composition: Composition is to solve the spatial relationship between graphics, color and text, so as to be novel, reasonable and unified。Color: Good graphic design works pay attention to harmony, contrast, balance, rhythm and rhythm in the use of picture color。

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Jiamusi numerical control training school

Graphic design is to express the author's ideas in the form of pictures。Different basic graphics can be combined into patterns on the plane according to certain rules。It can also be created by hand painting。The boundary between the map and the ground is divided by the outline line within the scope of the second space, and the image is depicted。The three-dimensional sense of space expressed by the graphic design is not a real three-dimensional space, but only an illusion space formed by the visual guidance of graphics。Graphic design is to express the author's ideas in the form of pictures。Different basic graphics can be combined into patterns on the plane according to certain rules。It can also be created by hand painting。The boundary between the map and the ground is divided by the outline line within the scope of the second space, and the image is depicted。The three-dimensional sense of space expressed by the graphic design is not a real three-dimensional space, but only an illusion space formed by the visual guidance of graphics。