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Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Release time: 2022-09-08 02:10:55
Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Graphic design mainly includes the design and production of fine art typesetting, print advertising, posters, light boxes, etc。Employment trend: newspapers, magazines, publishing and other mass media, advertising companies and other related industries。Engaged in graphic design work, the technical difficulty of each company requires different grades, the working time is more unstable, the creation speed is required, and the demand for talents is also relatively large。The main courses of graphic design include: plane composition, color composition, three-dimensional composition, perspective, sketch, watercolor, PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR, CORELDRAW, etc。

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Graphic design includes six categories, which are: logo design (logo design, trademark design);Packaging design;VI design;Advertising design;Poster design;Album design。Graphic design, also known as visual communication design, is the "visual" as a means of communication and expression, through a variety of ways to create and combine symbols, pictures and words, so as to create a visual representation used to convey ideas or messages。Logo design is not only the design of practical objects, but also a graphic art design。It has similarities with other graphic arts in expression and its own art laws。

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Graphic design software has always been a popular field of application,We can divide it into two parts: graphics rendering and image processing,The following is a brief introduction to some commonly used software in this area: the giant in the field of image processing has been widely used in publishing and printing, advertising design, art creativity, image editing and other fields,The new version breaks away from the more graphic design limitations of previous Photoshop products,The support function of digital darkroom has been greatly strengthened and broken through,For example, a restoration brush can remove dust, scratches, spots, and wrinkles from an image with great ease,It can also preserve the shadow, light, texture and other effects in the image at the same time,Innovative features allow users to design faster and improve image quality,And manage documents with professional efficiency。

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Use different methods to capture and highlight the unique characteristics of a product or theme,Make it clear,Put these features in the main visual part of the advertising screen,Or for drying treatment,So that the audience can feel the moment they touch the text picture,Generate attention and visual interest,To achieve the promotion purpose of stimulating the desire to buy。In advertising performance, these characteristics should be highlighted and rendered, generally by the unique personality image of the product with personality, the manufacturer's corporate logo, the product's trademark, etc., to determine。Highlighting is also a very commonly used expression technique that we commonly use, which is one of the important methods to highlight the theme of advertising, and has a performance value that can not be ignored。

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

The term "flat" at the time meant not only that the work was two-dimensional and flat, but also that it was mass-produced and therefore distinguished from individual pieces of art。The word "design" is translated from the Japanese character "design"。In the Japanese translation of the word "design", in addition to the word "design", "design", "composition", "shape" and other Chinese words to represent "design".。So in understanding what is "design", we can first explain these words: the English design comes from the Latin de-sinare, meaning "to make a sign"。In the 16th century, the Italian word disegno began to have the modern meaning of design, and later through the French intermediary, and then the English reference, becoming the modern English design。

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Suihua e-commerce training professional school

Symmetry: Suppose a vertical line is set in the center of a graph, and the graph is divided into equal left and right parts, and the left and right parts of the graph are exactly equal, which is a symmetric graph。Balance: From the physical understanding refers to the weight relationship, in graphic design refers to the balance of the distribution and visual judgment according to the shape, size, weight, color and material of the image。Proportion: refers to the quantitative relationship between parts and parts, or parts and the whole。Proportion is an important factor that constitutes the size of all units in the design, as well as the arrangement and combination of units。Center of gravity: the center of the picture, that is, the center of gravity of vision, the change of the outline of the picture, the convergence and dispersion of the graph, the distribution of color or light and dark can have an impact on the visual center。